
A Wellspring of Stewardship

A Wellspring of Stewardship By PAUL DAMON By early March, many of us are either enjoying spring break or looking forward to it with great excitement and anticipation.Particularly for those of us in the northern part of ...


The Inverted Generosity Pyramid

The Inverted Generosity Pyramid By PAUL DAMON For most of us, giving is part of our lives. We build it into our financial plan, and we budget for our expenses accordingly.The way we live and give depends, in large part, ...


The Missing Piece

The Missing Piece By PAUL DAMON Family business is one of life’s most exciting, challenging, and rewarding endeavors.When you decided to start or become involved in a family business, you probably had certain objectives ...


Taxes, Stewardship, & Overwhelming Blessings

Taxes, Stewardship, &Overwhelming Blessings By PAUL DAMON Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” (Mark 12:17)Paying taxes is one of the more difficult things that Christians ...


The Essence of Stewardship

The Essence of Stewardship By PAUL DAMON Stewardship: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care.Notice that the definition doesn't have anything to do with ownership. Rather, throughout ...


The Key to Financial Freedom

The Key to Financial Freedom By PAUL DAMON In our consumer-driven society, we’re constantly bombarded with the message that the key to happiness is having more – accumulating more possessions. We’re also told that if we ...


3 Characteristics for Learning Generosity

Contentment as a Key to Generosity By PAUL DAMON I believe that generosity is mostly a learned behavior. While it is true that it is one of the spiritual gifts, it is also something that we grow into overtime.There are ...


Contentment as a Key to Generosity

Contentment as a Key to Generosity By PAUL DAMON In our last blog post, we introduced 3 keys to having a generous spirit:GratitudeContentmentTrustWe looked at each of these characteristics briefly, but today, we will fo ...


The Core Of Stewardship Is the Heart

The Core Of Stewardship Is the Heart By PAUL DAMON Stewardship is a learned discipline. We are not born with a sense of responsibility to others, at least not in a complete form. We learn from experience and practice th ...